Transformers Armada (Transformers Micron Densetsu) has 52 episodes. It is an action, mecha, shounen, and sci-fi. The plot in this show is "On the mechanical planet of Cybertron live super robotic organisms known as Transformers. There, mainly consisting of convoys, the Cybertron army, and their old enemy Destron fell into conflict to gain hold of a new power to join their side. A new breed of Transformers known as the Microns. But, grieving over the battle the Microns set off to the other end of the universe. 4 million years later, on Earth, 3 young children activated a mysterious panel inside a cave. And somehow, that was the dormant Micron..." This was a good Transformers series I have watch. The openings are interesting giving you a tense feeling. Has those moments that make you want to cry. In the end it was really good. Overall would recommend watching this series.
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