Ousama Game The Animation has 12 episodes. It is a mystery, horror, supernatural, drama, and school. The plot in this series is "Nobuaki Kanazawa, who transferred to a high school far away, is afraid of getting intimate with his new classmates because of the events that happened from his previous school. This led him to shut his heart. However, he starts to open up during the sports festival's class relay. He and all his classmates received an email from "King." At first, his classmates didn't take what they were told seriously, thinking it's just a joke, but Nobuaki, the only one who knows the real meaning of it, fights against the "death" game that will soon begin…The rules of the King's Game are as follows:1. All class members must participate. 2. The order sent by King through email must be followed within 24 hours. 3. A punishment will be given to those who don't follow the order. 4. Quitting the King's Game halfway is forbidden."(Source: MAL News) This was an okay anime I have watch. Even though it has the blood and glory there is a lot of distrust and twisted moments. Somehow comparing to the manga that is more interesting than the Animation. Somehow they combine both the first and second Ousama game in this show. The ending is okay but not that good. Somehow I just hope the Ousama Game ends.
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