Friday, January 27, 2017

Wished to become Anime: WaqWaq

Wāq Wāq

WaqWaq is a manga. Has 4 volumes and 34 chapters. It is a action, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, and shounen. The plot in this manga is "The world of Waq Waq is a place where machines attack the black-blooded humans, whose only defense are the Sakimori, humans chosen to partner up with the Goujin-zou, a race of machines that grow stronger when melded to humans. Shio and his Sakimori father, Al, upon entering a village, are attacked by the machines. As Al falls in battle, he leaves his son to become the new Sakimori and guardian of a mysterious young girl, believed to be god, found at the heart of the battle. Waq Waq is the story of Shio as he battles to protect what was entrusted to him by his father. Let the battle for God begin!"(Source: Aku Tenshi) This was an interesting manga to read and would want it to be an anime series. Has the unexpected, sad and good moments. Even have crazy stuff. Somehow it gives off a feeling of what is happening to their world. Would recommend reading it and wanting it to ba na anime series.

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